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i'm a lazy sun of a gun

I had a good day until it turned bad. It's fall and gorgeous and cold out there. I took the dogs and strapped the baby on and we hiked down to the cabin and swung on the porch swing there, which made Oz laugh and laugh. We walked there on Friday and Saturday, too, collecting persimmons. This makes Jeff feel Japanese. I took pictures as he swung his long bamboo pole at the top of the persimmon trees trying to knock the good fruit down.

I'm just so overwhelmed by the grading this semester. Other people don't seem so buried and defeated by this load. I can't stand it. I am lazy and I like a lot of time to relax, man.

Jeff's been sick lately--we're not keeping the house the way we need to for his allergies and the effects are not good. Why do we do this? By this I mean: have a kid, finish the old house, build a new house, all on one measly teacher's salary and I don't even have time to do THAT job properly. I just want to go to work and come home and RELAX. For one year. That's what I want.

I did make Jeff swear on all things holy that we would never ever do this again. He even agreed that I would be the decider (I'M THE DECIDER) about where and when we move next. He'll go anywhere. This is quite the concession. I'm determined to make the perfect choice, although I did say I'd give P'boro one year after the (who knows when) move. So.

That's it. I have to stop writing because I am in the midst of grading and Ossie and Jeff are both asleep so I guess it's time to take advantage of the opportunity for uninterrupted work except how shitty is that? It's 8:46. Sigh.

8:36 p.m. - 2006-10-23


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